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WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY: Abia Govt Vows to Enhance Quality of Life for Sickle Cell Patients – Mrs. Priscilla Otti

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The Abia government, led by Mrs. Priscilla Otti, reaffirms its commitment to improving the lives of sickle cell patients through dedicated support and awareness initiatives.

The wife of the Abia State governor, Mrs. Priscilla Chidinma Otti, has reaffirmed the government’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life for sickle cell patients in the state.

In light of the 2024 World Sickle Cell Day, themed “Hope Through Progress: Advancing Sickle Cell Care Globally,” Mrs. Otti emphasized the significant challenges faced by individuals living with sickle cell disease. She called on educational institutions, workplaces, and communities to provide special considerations for those affected by the disease. This includes offering flexible schedules, understanding their medical needs, and creating supportive environments that accommodate their unique challenges.

Mrs. Otti also encouraged Abians from all walks of life to address the disease proactively by checking their genotypes before entering marriage and romantic relationships. She assured the community of the government’s commitment to supporting sickle cell patients through healthcare initiatives, awareness campaigns, and policies designed to alleviate their burdens.

Mrs. Otti extended her prayers for strength, courage, and resilience to all sickle cell patients, expressing her love and support for them.

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