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HOTEL RAID: Police Declares Nigerian Man Wanted over h0mos3xuality

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HOTEL RAID: Police Declare Jacob Enahoro Wanted over h0mos3xuality

Jacob Enahoro, a wanted individual, has been declared as such by the police following a raid on a hotel in relation to h0mos3xuality.



On 2 December 2022 at Federal Capital Territory A raid was conducted at an undisclosed hotel in Abuja based on an anonymous tip and credible intelligence report


The FCT Police Commissioner, Babaji Sunday stated that the policemen arrested one Mr Kelvin Ozoede who is aged 30 and Mr Chibuzor Nze, aged 33 who were allegedly engaging in h0mos3xual activity.


During the preliminary interrogation, the accused admitted to having a partner named Jacob Enahoro, aged 29, who was involved in the mentioned activity.


The Federal Capital Territory Command is searching for 29-year-old Jacob Enahoro to be brought in for questioning of the alleged act. Recall that Same-S3x Marriage (Prohibition) Bill which was signed into law on January 7, 2014, by ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, convicts defaulters up to 14 years Imprisonment and also anyone who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies or organisations, or directly or indirectly makes public show of same-s3x amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of 10 years.


A huge case happened back in 2018 where 47 men were arrested in Lagos for alleged h0mos3xual activity at a hotel/event centre in Egbeda and were subsequently charged to court but the case was thrown out by a judge on October 27 2020.

In enforcing the laws against h0mos3xuality, 53 men were charged to court in Chediya-Zaria on 8th May 2017 for conspiring to celebrate a gay wedding in the Northern part of Nigeria.


Some of the men who appeared in the court were stoned by an angry mob who demanded strict and severe punishment for them even though they pleaded not guilty to the crime. The hearing was subsequently halted.


The prohibition of same-sex relationships led to incidents of extortion, mob violence, unjust arrests, physical and sexual abuse, and torture in detention, as reported by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in a 2016 study on individuals suspected of engaging in homosexual activities.


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